Friday, August 28, 2009

Random Friday

What a mess! I don't know how this happens so quickly. The table next to my chair that holds my knitting - I clean it off and put one knitting project there that I work on in the evening when I finally get a chance to sit down. All of a sudden its a storage place for a month's worth of knitting magazine subscriptions and catalogs, swatches, three knitting projects, and a pile of books that I haven't read yet. Its a breeding ground for clutter. Its what Flylady would call a Hot Spot.

For awhile I live with it because I know I put each thing there for a reason but pretty soon its no longer each individual item that I touched for some reason but a huge, single mess that must be dealt with. This weekend I will deal with this Hot Spot and cool it down by putting stuff away.

I may even knit a little bit.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh's temperature control time? Need a helping hand? You haven't seen anything yet :D