I was too hyped up from the evening's activity to go to bed so I actually stayed up to watch David Letterman, waaaaay past my bedtime, and I'm paying for it today. I'm so tired tonight, it will be a short post due to low brain function. Here is proof, Dave talking about climate change. I like David Letterman, I wish he wasn't on so late, but I guess thats what Tivo is for.
So I finished the Airy Scarf made out of mohair and silk as modeled by my REAL knit-wear model - 11 year old daughter Camille.
I recovered my evening a little after all the activity and was able to accomplish some knitting and now I'm recovering from staying up so late.
I must take a moment to wish a very Happy Birthday to my brother who is turning a big 35 today.
I wonder if there will there be knitting tonight?
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