I looked for Rowan Calmer on-line and at the local shop, Gossamer, and find that if I want the colors that I like, I will have to purchase it on-line. I'm thinking Vintage as the MC and Plum as the CC in the 'Nothing but a t-shirt' pattern. Its tough for me to think of buying it at the Rowan price right now - 7 skeins would be spendy at over $80. Knit Picks Comfy yarn might be comparable but I didn't like the color choices as well, despite the much better price. I am going to think about it for awhile and see if its worth it.
In the mean-time, I cast on for a pair of Monkey socks just to get something on the needles that I thought might go more quickly. There's something about Monkeys that makes them go fast
and they are not disappointing. I also am considering doing the Babette KAL with the Webs podcast from last spring (which I am just now listening to) so I listened to their crochet tutorial. I could not get the hang of it from listening so I watched a You Tube video tutorial which helped me figure out both the single and double crochet. Good thing my son is such a You Tube junky so I could figure out how to watch - I'm such a luddite! But here are some crochet swatches that I enjoyed making last night.
I've always thought that crochet was just silly but now I think its fun. I need to figure out how you incorporate the stitches that I learned into a pattern. Once again, making the Babette will be expensive yarn-wise particularly if I do it with Koigu, which I think would be really pretty, but it can be done slowly and over time.
Right now, I am celebrating that I got my Bonita t-shirt done, if not before the Olympics were over, at least in time to wear it before the weather turned. And the fact that it turned out well enough to wear it at all!
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