Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Taste of Silence

I went to a workshop this morning on Contemplative Prayer which was put on by our local chapter of Contemplative Outreach ( I was so inspired by my experience and I hope to put this discipline into practice in my daily life.
Knitting can bring mindfulness but because my life is so full I often knit in the midst of crazy, family life with TV going, kids asking questions, playing loudly, etc. So even if the act of knitting is stilling my body, my mind is not necessarily as quiet. I tend to follow and dwell on negative thoughts or lay plans for the rest of the week and I'm always thinking about more than one thing at a time. I need some quiet time to center my mind which will help me hold on to that stillness during the rest of my day.
The experience of centering myself with silent (wordless) prayer made me feel so peaceful this morning that I want to hold onto that feeling the rest of the day. It is my intention to practice the centering prayer on a daily basis.

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