Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Star Day

Yesterday was Star Day in our house. When my son was four years old he asked me, a week before Valentines Day, why we had to have a holiday made around the shape of hearts. He said he didn't like hearts and why couldn't we have a holiday about stars? I told him that we could make our own holiday all about stars and asked him what that holiday would be like? He told me we'd have stars and candy. I should have known - every holiday for kids revolves around candy!

So since 2004, we've been celebrating Star Day near the end of February every year. We decorate the house with stars and the Star fairy delivers candy. Even the grandparents get into the celebration by sending a Star Day gift. My son tells me that he is going to ask the new president to make Star Day a national holiday. We may have to flesh out the celebration a bit before that happens.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is spring around the corner?

Its beginning to feel like winter's slumber is coming to an end. The days are longer and I've seen the sun a little bit. I've even been out for a walk or two. Yesterday morning it was raining and it felt like the Willamette Valley, not the frozen tundra of Central Oregon.

Parenting challenges have been filling my time after work but I've done a bit of knitting. I made a Valentine's sweater for my daughter's bear and she loves it.

I have been working on socks and have four different socks on the needles. It may be a while before I have a pair of any of them but at least I'm knitting.

I am thinking of knitting the Lace Scarf from Vogue Knitting winter 2008/09. At first I was a little discouraged by the cost of the Blue Sky Alpaca bulky that was used in the pattern but then I received the latest Knit Picks catalog and discovered the Super Bulky weight Suri Dream and think it may be possible for me to make this scarf even in these tough economic times.